
Premium Pool Cleaning and Maintenance

Experience the joy of a clean and well-maintained pool with our professional pool cleaning services.

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why we believe that we are the best when it comes to pool Care!

Pool care and maintenance takes time and the right equipment to do it right. We GUARANTEE you that we are prepared to handle even the most complex pool maintenance needs. When hiring someone to care for your pool, you want to make sure it’s a company you can trust. Your pool care professional has already been trained and vetted to ensure only the best pool services are provided.

You can rest assured that your pool cleaning services will get done right or you don’t pay us. It’s that simple. Just ask our happy customers.

We are your local licensed pros

Gone are the days when moving to a new neighbourhood meant starting from scratch to find local pool maintenance companies to complete your required maintenance. Our team of pros service the Northern Beaches and the North Shore area and once you become a customer, you'll never have to worry about finding a pool cleaning service again.

Immediate and transparent pricing

We also solve the age old problem of determining a fair price for pool care services. We quote your pool service cost instantly. You can feel confident knowing that our price is fair and consistent. You know what you'll pay before we even schedule the job. We aim to provide affordable lawn care services for everyone.

Quality and service guarantee

Pool care and maintenance takes time and the right equipment to do it right. Our team is prepared to handle even the most complex needs. When hiring someone to care for your pool, you want to make sure it's a company you can trust. You can rest assured that your pool services will get done right or you don't pay us. It's that simple.

Our Service Process

Pool care takes a professional and trained approach when it comes to efficiently and properly servicing a pool. Our process has been tried and tested, so we can guarantee amazing results with every visit!

Inspect and Visual Assessment
The first and most vital step is an overall visual examination of the pool, equipment and water. It is here that we determine and identify any issues and changes that we need to note, and any items that we need to let you know of!
Test Water
Using a laser tester, we accurately test your pool water wether it is a chlorine, salt, mineral or freshwater pool. From here, we determine any changes that need to be made to our service and your system.
Clean Pool
Before we clean your pool, we identify if you need a vacuum, netting or just a bit of brushing. Our technicians are trained to select and use the most appropriate tools for your cleaning requirements on the day of your service!
Equipment Maintenance
After cleaning your pool, we carefully empty and clean all of your baskets, backwash and rinse your filter if needed, clean your cartridge if you have one and perform any additional required maintenance on your equipment.
Add Chemicals
Using our accurate testing kit, visual assessment and chemical calculators, we carefully measure and add the required chemicals to your pool. We base these measurements off of your pool size, type of sanitiser (salt, minerals, chlorine or freshwater), surface type and your usage of the pool!
Service Report
After we have finished, we send you an email with our service details. This contains before and after photos, chemical additions, your chemical history, notes and your invoice! We also send you a thank you message and a deal for your next service as we always value the opportunity to look after your pool!

Your report

Our reporting is not only for our records but for your peace of mind! Our reports detail what we have performed, any recommendations and a history of your chemicals. This is helpful for warranty purposes if you have a new pool and also keeps you well informed with what is happening with your pool!

Extended Life Span

Regular pool maintenance by GDM Pools extends the lifespan of your pool and its equipment, ensuring long-term enjoyment.

Pristine Water Quality

Regular testing and treatment keep your pool water clean, clear, and inviting.

Optimal Equipment Maintenance

Our maintenance maximises the efficiency and performance of your pool equipment.

100% Satisfaction

If you’re not happy, we’ll give you your money back. It’s as simple as that.

Bonded & Insured

We carry a multimillion dollar liability insurance policy so you’re fully covered.

What to can I expect with a regular pool service?

  1. Chemical testing – we test using Spin Touch Disks ensuring the most accurate testing for your pool chemistry
  2. Equipment maintenance and assessments – We will backwash and rinse your filter and make sure all of your equipment is functioning correctly!
  3. Cleaning, Brushing and Vacuuming – We will net any leaves, vacuum the surface of your pool and brush the surface of your pool! Our services are very thorough!
  4. Empty baskets – We empty all of your baskets including any cleaners and their filters.
  5. Add chemicals – we carefully select and add in the required chemicals for your pool based on your test results, surface type, equipment and surrounding conditions!
  6. We send you a full report and invoice so you can see the before and after of our work as well as a full record of chemical additions and changes to your equipment!

What are your available schedules

Our schedules are limited to the following!

Weekly, Every 2 weeks and Every 4 weeks. We also have schedules to allow for multiple visits per week if you are a commercial, strata or semi-commerical pool!

Brands we work with

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